Saturday, September 22, 2007

The unexpected arrival

Josh and I realized that before we release the full-blown supersonic miasma that is my "solo debut" we had to record some of the acoustic stuff that is floating around, and if not released now, may never find a home, short of some awful "b sides and collectibles" nonsense that I would have to go Supernova to have matter.

So the last day we had available to record in the sauna with our Avalon pre's AKG's and Rode NTs, we threw down. Eight songs in all. The album, which will precede the "studio" record is code-named "box". It will likely still be called box when it's released which should be within the month.

Lots of red wine, starry nights pacing around The Balcony, and shoving audio cables in boxes that squeak and grind more than S.A.M. the robot from Sesame Street and we are starting to find something pretty darn interesting.

My dad also bought one of those vinyl to CD thingies from a Skymall catalogue and I went totally apeshit digging through all the warped 45's from my childhood. I have to say, the two and a half decades worth of dust buildup and scratches make them sound way better. Some of that may find its way onto the acoustic record. I can't help myself.

So in a few days I fly back to LA - land of Sushi, chronic perfect weather, and SocialNetworkObsessedMeloDrama. And then I can hear what this all really is; framed by the boundaries of marketability and cult of personality, the experience Outside will finally show its strength or weakness.

Either way, this thing is coming out in a month.

I hope it makes you feel something.

ps. Josh, you rule for putting up with this crazy shit we do.


Unknown said...

"I hope it makes you feel something"

Um, are you serious?!? Pretty much all of your music makes me feel something. And don't get me started on your blog, it always makes me feel.

Keram, YOU are one AMAZING person, both inside and out.

Tina said...

That's great so looking forward to the new album.

Yuk shushi, it's really big here also. I can say yuk because I've tried it lol.

ah yes old 45's I have plenty of those sitting in my trunk, always listened to music and always will. Just can't hold a damn note myself lol.

Have a safe trip back to LA.

Sparky Thought said...

Very much looking forward to the creative "crazy shit" you and Josh have recorded.

P.S. I have learned to respect the Ovaltine.

Unknown said...

don't eat too much sushi. I got mercury poisoning from it and NO i'm NOT kidding. I have the record player thing but haven't had time to even START to get my album collection out yet.

Razcolnicov said...

You must eat some mexican food, a taco in the name of the good old art.