i wrote in True and Selfish Prophets, as Igwa, the protagonist searches for quiet: "How ironic that the glue of my sanity is lunatic."

i can't even create at times like these.
i read a book once called "how the moon affects you". they recorded the highest number of crimes and psychological emergency calls during full moons. their thesis is that some people are more prone to this than others - that those who typically walk the line between this world and some other are akin to tightrope walkers, whereas those who have found a sturdier footing in terra firma rarely feel swayed by the moon's influence.
well, i fall in the former category. i wish advil fixed it. the only thing that does is running, baying, and writing.
i usually get through the tricky moments by reminding myself that if Alice lost her cool in Wonderland she would literally have lost her head. but this propensity towards turning into a werewolf brings a whole new meaning to "follow the white rabbit..." roast it, eat it.
i think i'm gonna go meditate.
I agree with the moon. Things get so messed up and the crazy just pours out of people and then it's gone. I have pondered for a really long time why that happens. That sounds like a really interesting book. Do you still have your book recommendations on the CCP page?
Solo tienes que ver cómo afecta la luna a la marea y pensar que nosotros estamos hechos de casi un 70% de agua.
Da que pensar...
"follow the white rabbit..." roast it, eat it
I believe the moon has an affect on all of us. Some of us more sensitive to it than others.
I feel half out of this world at most times... half in faerie... I see things differently and am easily irritated by typical human behavior.
Perhaps you are other kin? What do you feel is inside you... a wolf? Maybe something else you are connected to... maybe a combination of a few beings?
"Amo a la luna... no le tengo dudas... creo que son naturales sus causas...
Siempre me ha buscado de angulos sospechosos... Confío en ella en sueños y con brisas calientes a mi alrededor......
Y me encanta Alicia..
me lidio a ella...
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